Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Process and Outcome Evaluations Free Essays
A Process Evaluation has three fundamental parts, which are program arranging and improvement, program mediations, and database the executives framework. These three principle segments are utilized to accomplish these points, portray program interventions’ advancement, execution, and exercises, give quantitative and subjective information on the administrations conveyed and their viability, and report the suitability and agreeableness of the program inside the objective network. The Process Evaluation will address the inquiry â€Å"did you do what you said you were going to do?†(Yuen, . We will compose a custom article test on Procedure and Outcome Evaluations or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now , Terao, 2003). Instances of Process Evaluations are: 1.The educator gauges participation every day to discover which understudies are missing a lot of class. 2.Over the Christmas occasion the truck bunch Straight Six Mafia gathered 13 boxes of nourishment for the neighborhood food bank and $300 in gifts for Labor of Love, by holding a truck appear. 3.WIC workers pass out pamphlets containing data where its customers may get different administrations. Result Evaluations are utilized to take a gander at how powerful the mediations are. Information before the intercession and after are gathered and contrasted with yield this data. It survey the results/viability of the projects exercises and the effects the program has on the objective populace. This assessment addresses the inquiries â€Å"What benefits did the beneficiaries of administration obtain?†and â€Å"How all around did you do?†(Yuen, ., Terao, 2003). Instances of Outcome Evaluations are: 1.Workforce Services asks that their customers complete a short meeting/overview to perceive how their experience was and if their necessities are being met. 2.Columbus Community Center analyzed the measure of administrations it gave a year ago to this year after they got the new award to improve the business program. 3.Career Step contacts graduated class understudies to check whether their projects assist them with getting perpetual business. Step by step instructions to refer to Process and Outcome Evaluations, Essays Procedure and Outcome Evaluations Free Essays A Process Evaluation has three fundamental segments, which are program arranging and improvement, program intercessions, and database the board framework. These three principle segments are utilized to accomplish these points, portray program interventions’ improvement, execution, and exercises, give quantitative and subjective information on the administrations conveyed and their viability, and report the fittingness and agreeableness of the program inside the objective network. The Process Evaluation will respond to the inquiry â€Å"did you do what you said you were going to do?†(Yuen, . We will compose a custom exposition test on Procedure and Outcome Evaluations or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now , Terao, 2003). Instances of Process Evaluations are: 1.The instructor gauges participation every day to discover which understudies are missing an excess of class. 2.Over the Christmas occasion the truck bunch Straight Six Mafia gathered 13 boxes of nourishment for the neighborhood food bank and $300 in gifts for Labor of Love, by holding a truck appear. 3.WIC representatives pass out handouts containing data where its customers may get different administrations. Result Evaluations are utilized to take a gander at how powerful the intercessions are. Information before the intercession and after are gathered and contrasted with yield this data. It evaluate the results/adequacy of the projects exercises and the effects the program has on the objective populace. This assessment addresses the inquiries â€Å"What benefits did the beneficiaries of administration obtain?†and â€Å"How very much did you do?†(Yuen, ., Terao, 2003). Instances of Outcome Evaluations are: 1.Workforce Services asks that their customers complete a short meeting/study to perceive how their experience was and if their requirements are being met. 2.Columbus Community Center looked at the measure of administrations it gave a year ago to this year after they got the new award to improve the business program. 3.Career Step contacts graduated class understudies to check whether their projects assist them with getting perpetual work. The most effective method to refer to Process and Outcome Evaluations, Essays
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Proactive College Essay Topics
Proactive College Essay TopicsIn our article about the 10 best provocative essay topics, we mentioned four of the most popular. You'll probably want to know which of these is your favorite. Do you think we missed something? If so, let us know in the comments.One issue speaks directly to what people are passionate about. This issue may be political, spiritual, or even ethical in nature. If you choose this topic, be sure to make it your starting point and not the end of the essay.Style of any piece of writing, whether in print or on the internet, is important. It tells the reader how they should feel, what is appropriate for them, and so much more. The type of style you choose will have a profound effect on the topic of your essay.This one can be tricky, as there are a few rules for writing essays. Here are a few of the best. For one thing, don't use factual information to justify an opinion. While this is a normal practice in other topics, it is not a good idea when it comes to this t opic.Keep your essay lively and alive with discussions of contentious issues. In addition, keep your essay from being too loaded with political views or opinions. Although the topic may be controversial, it does not need to be so.Remember that provocative essay topics are usually intended to catch the attention of readers. It's a way to get them thinking about an issue. Try to keep them active during the length of the essay by forcing them to make a decision on the topic.There are many ways to approach provocative essay topics. If you'd like to learn more, check out our article on the same topic. If you have any ideas for a topic, feel free to tell us in the comments. We would love to learn about your thoughts.These are just a few ideas about some of the best provocative essay topics out there. Of course, if you think your topic is unique, go ahead and write about it. Whatever you do, keep it interesting and innovative!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Roundup Ready Solution Is An Important Legume Crop
Introduction The Glycine max (L.) Merr soybean is an important legume crop (Zhang et. al. 2013). Soybeans are used to produce oils, proteins (Zhang et. al., 2013), and soymeal (Cherubin, 2008). Soybean oil is largely produced and consumed globally (Cherubin, 2008). Soymeal provides 70% of an animal’s protein (Cherubin, 2008). Canada is a top producer of soybeans worldwide (Cherubin, 2008). The Roundup Ready (R.R.) gene is often incorporated into the soybean seeds (Villela et. al., 2014) and is sold by licensed seed companies such as Monsanto, Pioneer, and Novartis (Bullock et. al., 2004). The Roundup Ready solution is a glyphosate compound, which is a low cost yet effective herbicide (Bullock et. al., 2004). The R.R. gene is incorporated†¦show more content†¦The objective of this study was to determine the level of the Roundup Ready gene in a sample of soybean plants and determine the efficacy of an Agdia strip test as measured by the frequency of false positives and false negatives of the test in comparison to the reaction of plants to the herbicide glyphosate. Methods and Materials In this experiment, Glycine max (L.) Merr soybeans were used. 40 of these soybeans were provided for the experiment. Each student was assigned a specific soybean plant to use. A small leaf would be torn from the stem of the soybean. This leaf was then weighed using a top loading balance. The leaf was to weigh approximately 0.12 to 0.16 grams. Gloves were worn when handling the extraction bag. The top of the bag was cut using scissors, and the leaf was then placed between two layers of mesh in the bag. The bag was then temporarily sealed to do the extraction. Students used the blunt end of a pen to rub the leaf in order to mix the contents. The extraction then sat for 30 seconds minimum, then an Agdia ImmunoStrip was provided to test the solution. The ImmunoStrip was inserted into the contents by no more than 0.5 centimeters. The ImmunoStrip was held still in the bag for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the ImmunoStrip appeared complete. A single test stripe will appear first to indicate that the ImmunoStrip is working. A second control stripe
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Essay
The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Abstract: For a while, dress codes have been implemented in private and parochial schools across the county. It wasnt until more recent that the issue was brought to discussion about a dress code in public schools. Uniforms serve a purpose to the schools that are adapting the change in attire. The uniform dress code has helped make private and parochial schools more prestigious for their organization and the results of it. Uniforms would be beneficial to the public school system because a lot of what the public school system is known for would be stopped because of the newly executed dress code. The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Imagine a world where there was no†¦show more content†¦Taking on the role of school uniforms brings about a new respect for the student and the school in which he or she is attending. The student looks more professional while the school statistics show to improve. Uniforms in public schools are beneficial to the students and staff and faculty. The students show an increase in their grades, attendance, and behavior while learning other ways to be an individual or to stand out. For the faculty, it is easier to pick out an intruder, someone who does not belong in the school. When looking at the social aspect for all students, it slightly eliminates the separation of class, making school more enjoyable for the outcaste students. Many studies have taken place in regards to the implementation of uniforms in public school. One in particular written in the Journal of Educational Research by, David L. Brunsma and Kerry A. Rockquemore emphasizes the ?effects of student uniforms on attendance, behavior problems, substance use and academic achievement.? This study was done in all schools and in all grades. ?Uniforms are simple in style and color and are intended to convey the institutional values of the school? (EOSUO). Some of the topics that were chosen for this study included, the number of absences, the scores on standardize testes, the students behavior overall and the use of drugs. This study took place in LongShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniforms : Educating Students Dress Safely Essay1511 Words  | 7 PagesSchool Uniforms: Educating students dress safely In today’s era society is forgetting the importance of dressing with ethics when it comes to education. Back in the days it was imperative to wear properly clothing to go to school, the elderly just to say that it was a representation of oneself and it showed how important the studies were for the individual. Therefore, school uniforms, must increase academics, improve behavior, safety and prevent thefts. To begin with, a diminutive history about thisRead MoreWhy Students Wearing School Uniforms1116 Words  | 5 Pageswearing uniforms in schools. Below are the discussed reasons that tend to explain the importance of students wearing uniforms in school. â€Å"The prevalence of uniforms in public schools continues to rise in the United States, as parents and school administrators exert efforts to keep our school’s safe environments. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 20% of all public schools have adopted uniform mandates.†(Public School Review). To begin with, wearing of uniforms by theRead More Education and Teaching - Its Time for Uniforms in Public Schools944 Words  | 4 Pagesfor Uniforms in Public Schools My niece will be attending kindergarten in the fall. She is so excited to be taking the big yellow school bus to school. While she is excited to attend school, I just hope she be in a safe environment at school. I remember my school days when a boy was pulling a girls ponytail or kids were pushing one another in line, this type of behavior was considered disruptive or violent. Today it is a different story. I read the paper and listen to the news of school violenceRead MoreHow Clothing Has A Impact On People And Their Behavior1718 Words  | 7 Pagesmajority people would like to consider. For example, school. School, in which students are surrounded by teachers and peers. Peers who will make fun of others if the clothing is not from a specific store or if it does not parallel the â€Å"in†style. These hurtful comments can drag down self-esteem and confidence and affect how well they are able to participate and focus on their studies. Implementing a school uniforms in publi c school can benefit the school and the students academically in their grades, behaviorRead More The School Uniform Debate Essay903 Words  | 4 PagesThe requirement of school uniforms in our public schools is a big issue in our community. Among our teachers, parents, and students, everyone has a different opinion. School uniforms will help solve many issues inside and outside our school walls. For the students, uniforms will help eliminate the everyday worries of trying to fit in with other students, parents will not have to deal with the financial stress of buying fashionable and expensive clothes, and teachers will have a better advantage withRead MoreThe Bright Side Of School Uniforms. Education In The United1597 Words  | 7 PagesThe Bright Side of School Uniforms Education in the United States from Kindergarten all the way to 12th grade is known for its free education system. That’s right, students all over the country are given the opportunity to retrieve a high school diploma for free. Education in this country is so important that schools around the country are pushing their board of education to propose the policy of school uniforms nationwide, as they believe school uniforms have a very beneficial and positive effectRead MoreStudents Should Wear Uniforms Debate Essay910 Words  | 4 Pageswhether students should wear uniforms or not. Many schools agreed with the idea and have already required school uniforms, while others are still considering it. Some say that school uniforms represent discipline and instill school pride, but others think that it is not creativity and comfortable. Despite that there are still arguments about it; school uniforms have increasingly demonstrated their importance and influence in many ways. Studen ts should have to wear uniforms because it will help studentsRead MorePerceptions Of Dress Codes On Academic Performance And Student Behavior Essay1387 Words  | 6 Pagesachievement and behavior and school dress codes. This study is being undertaken because the implementation of dress codes and school uniforms has never been more contentious in America today. Some schools see inconsistent results in terms of academic achievement and overall student behavior upon instituting dress codes or school uniforms (Graham, Kahan, 2013; Draa, 2005), while other districts see declines in student success by similar measures (Brunsma, Rockquemore, 1998). School administrators, studentsRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Its Placebo Effect Essay1458 Words  | 6 PagesDuran Professor Alan Douglas English 102 4 December 2016 School Uniforms and its Placebo Effect School uniforms predominately used in private schools are now becoming increasingly common in public schools throughout the United States. During the 2013- 2014 schoolyear, one in five public schools required students to wear uniforms, which is an increase from the 2003-2004 school year in which one in eight schools required the use of uniforms (US Department of Education and US Department of Justice)Read MoreA school uniform is an identifying, standardized outfit or style of dress worn specifically for an1100 Words  | 5 Pages A school uniform is an identifying, standardized outfit or style of dress worn specifically for an educational institution, they dictate the schools â€Å"dress code†. Generally, uniforms when used enhances uniformity among the students, irrespective of their financial status, race, and color or fashion preference; it improves the learning environment, and instils discipline; reduces security threats and thus enhances safety. Over the years, the educational system has been marred with gang
Advice To The President Essay Example For Students
Advice To The President Essay Advice to the PresidentMr. President, the moral decline in our country has plummeted since you have been in office. I would like to think that you had no part in this, but I believe that you play a very large role in this issue. First of all, you legalized third-term abortions. You tell us not to kill in the streets, but yet you will stab an infant in the neck without him being able to defend for himself. Secondly, you took the Bible out of schools. In the United States, there is to be no religious persecution. So you just abandon religion? I do not think that solves any problems, in fact, I think it causes more. Since you have taken the Bible out of schools, look at all of the drugs, sex, and shooting rampages that have taken place. For some reason, I am lead to believe that taking the Bible out of our schools has played some part in this. I would also like to question your leadership abilities. The youth in our country are constantly looking for a role model. I should think that th e president of this country would be a perfect one. For some odd reason, however, if I thought that I was anything like you, I would go ahead and ask the Lord to take me home! Im sure the various affairs you have had have been of no influence to us. Thats why teen pregnancy has gone up forty percent since you have come into office. The youth of today are seeing what you are doing and thinking that it is okay to do that too. A boy in Ridgeville, South Carolina shot his girlfriend as well as himself because she was riding in a car with another guy. Does this sound at all familiar; perhaps the alleged suicide of Vince Foster would refresh your memory a bit. Lastly, I would like to discuss integrity. Something that I do not think you have much of. When President Nixon was in office, and involved with the Watergate Scandal, I seem to recall you saying that any president who does wrong, should resign. Is there some special standard for you that none of us know about? We have people living in the streets, many right outside of your house, but yet you rent bedrooms of the White House to raise money for a campaign. I see no sign of greed there! Once again, look at the youth in this country. They are greedy. I guess you have no part in that as well. Could you please start looking at the people in the country that you are supposed to be running? Look past how much money YOU can get from China, or wherever. Look at what is best for the people in the United States. I wish that you could see how much influence you have put on the youth of today. Furthermore, I wish that it were a positive influence. My best advice to you would be to get your life straight and set standards for yourself, before you try to run a country. Government Essays
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Extent at Which Peer Group Affect free essay sample
They busy carving a career for themselves. They spend most of their time among those of their age their friends, peers. Teenage is the most youthful period of life. At that age, they are young, enthusiastic, and ready to take life head on and eager to take in every little thing life brings their way. They enjoy the company of others their age, as full of energy as they are. But this age is also the most dangerous. They are susceptible; anything can influence them and make them change, for better or worse the line between the two blurs for a brief period. Its not the kids to blame, its their age.Teenagers are the most likely to fall prey to peer pressure. So, their parents and teachers should save them from succumbing to it. Its natural for a teenaged kid to feel like imitating his friend. Its natural for him to feel like smoking just because his friends do or feel like drinking because his peers do. We will write a custom essay sample on The Extent at Which Peer Group Affect or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Its not abnormal for teenaged kids to adopt all that is considered hip and cool without a second thought. They dont do it deliberately. No. They just cant distinguish between the good and the bad. They need to be taught the difference. They need to be shielded from negative peer pressure.And the solution is not in isolating them from peers. Its in teaching them to make good choices in life. A strong support from family, an ability to differentiate between the right and the wrong and the skill to choose friends from peers is the key to greet the positive effects of peer pressure and keep the negative ones at bay. Your peers, their choices and ways of life give you a glimpse of the world outside the four walls of your house. What they think about things in life, how they perceive situations, how they react in different circumstances can actually expose you to the world around. Being part of a larger group of peers exposes you to the variety in human behavior. This makes you reflect on your behavior and know where you stand. Peer pressure can lead you to make right choices in life. Peer pressure forces you to do things you are not comfortable doing. It can even lead you to adopt a certain kind of lifestyle, even if you dont really want to. You may not like partying every weekend, you may not be smoking. But peer pressure is powerful. It can turn you from an always-at-home boy/girl to a complete party animal. It can turn you from a total non-smoker to a chain-smoker.There are so many teenagers who take to drinking against their will, just because their peers force them to. In many cases, peer pressure has been the culprit in creating drug addicts. At that vulnerable age, teenagers do not understand that they are actually ruining their life by giving in to pressure from peers. Background of the Study Peer groups are an important influence throughout ones life, but they are more critical during the developmental years of childhood and adolescence. There is often controversy about the influence of a peer group versus parental influence, particularly during adolescence. Recent studies show that parents continue to have significant influence, even during adolescence, a reassuring finding for many parents. It appears that the power of the peer group becomes more important when the family relationships are not close or supportive. For example, if the parents work extra jobs and are largely unavailable, their children may turn to their peer group for emotional support. This also occurs when the conflict between parents and children during adolescence, or at any time during a childs development, becomes so great that the child feels pushed away and seeks closeness elsewhere.Most children and adolescents in this situation are not discriminating about the kind of group they join. They will often turn to a group simply because that group accepts them, even if the group is involved in illegal or negative activities. Gang involvement, for example, is a common form of organizedâ€â€often antisocialâ€â€peer interaction. Gangs may be based on ethnicity, sex, and/or common activity. Most youths who join gangs come from families where drug and alcohol use, financial burdens, and broken relationships are common.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
How Does Stress Affect The Body Professor Ramos Blog
How Does Stress Affect The Body What is stress? Any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus that evokes a biological response is known as stress. The compensatory responses to these stresses are known as stress responses. Based on the type, timing and severity of the applied stimulus, stress can exert various actions on the body ranging from alterations in homeostasis to life-threatening effects and death. In many cases, the pathophysiological complications of disease arise from stress and the subjects exposed to stress, those that work or live in stressful environments, have a higher likelihood of many disorders. Stress can be either a triggering or aggravating factor for many diseases and pathological conditions. In this study, we have reviewed some of the major effects of stress on the primary physiological systems of humans. A natural reaction Have you ever found yourself with sweaty hands on a first date or felt your heart pound during a scary movie? Then you know you can feel stress in both your mind and body. This automatic response developed in our ancient ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats. Faced with danger, the body kicks into gear, flooding the body with hormones that elevate your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, boost your energy and prepare you to deal with the problem. These days, youre not likely to face the threat of being eaten. But you probably do confront multiple challenges every day, such as meeting deadlines, paying bills and juggling childcare that makes your body react the same way. As a result, your bodys natural alarm system the â€Å"fight or flight†response may be stuck in the on position. And that can have serious consequences for your health. Photo by on How does stress affect the heart? people who are under intense stress often seem to dramatically keel over from a heart attack, but that’s extremely rare. The real danger is the accumulated impact of chronic stress, which contributes to each of the top five risk factors for developing heart disease: abnormal cholesterol levels, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and smoking. How does stress affect the brain? Chronic stress can make your brain behave in an Alzheimer’s-like manner. Stress adversely affects a key structure in the brain, the hippocampus, leading to impaired memory and problems with orientation and sense of direction. These brain changes may have evolved to protect against the memory of traumatic and stressful events, like being attacked by a predator; but losing short-term memory hinders today’s brain-intensive lifestyle. We all recognize the frustration of forgetting where we put our keys, names of people we just met or other recent events. Nor does stress help you function any better on brain-intensive tasks. In one study, scientists studied brain blood flow while subjects performed tasks that required sorting large amounts of data essentially stressful multitasking. They found that the prefrontal cortex, the â€Å"executive†part of the brain used for planning, execution, reasoning, and organization, was initially very active but then tired and sh ut down. That left the â€Å"reptilian†brain, the impulsive and emotional brain, in charge. Pay attention to how your emotions transform in the midst of multitasking, typically moving from initial clarity to confusion and frustration. How does stress disrupt sleep? When you’re continually stressed, your body constantly pulses out stress hormones, which make it harder to fall asleep and impair the deepest stages of sleep. That can lead to hyperarousal insomnia a state where your mind and body are easily woken by sounds or by your own stressful thoughts. No longer can you sleep as soundly as a baby.  Does stress make you age faster? One study compared a group of women caring for disabled children with a group of women whose children had no disabilities. In particular, the researchers compared their telomeres, protective sections of DNA that are known to be a genetic marker for aging. Telomeres routinely wither and get shorter with time, but external factors, including stress, can accelerate this process. The study found more prominent premature aging in the high-stress mothers caring for disabled children. In fact, it translated into that group being 10 years older at a cellular level than the other group, who were the same chronological age. The 35-year-old stressed mothers looked closer to 45. Pressure points Even short-lived, minor stress can have an impact. You might get a stomach-ache before you have to give a presentation, for example. More major acute stress, whether caused by a fight with your spouse or an event like an earthquake or terrorist attack, can have an even bigger impact. Multiple studies have shown that these sudden emotional stresses especially anger can trigger heart attacks, arrhythmias, and even sudden death. Although this happens mostly in people who already have heart disease, some people dont know they have a problem until acute stress causes a heart attack or something worse. Chronic stress When stress starts interfering with your ability to live a normal life for an extended period, it becomes even more dangerous. The longer the stress lasts, the worse it is for both your mind and body. You might feel fatigued, unable to concentrate or irritable for no good reason, for example. But chronic stress causes wear and tear on your body, too. Stress can make existing problems worse. In one study, for example, about half the participants saw improvements in chronic headaches after learning how to stop the stress-producing habit of â€Å"catastrophizing,†or constantly thinking negative thoughts about their pain. Chronic stress may also cause disease, either because of changes in your body or the overeating, smoking and other bad habits people use to cope with stress. Job strain high demands coupled with low decision-making latitude is associated with increased risk of coronary disease, for example. Other forms of chronic stress, such as depression and low levels of s ocial support, have also been implicated in increased cardiovascular risk. And once youre sick, stress can also make it harder to recover. One analysis of past studies, for instance, suggests that cardiac patients with so-called â€Å"Type D†personalities characterized by chronic distress face higher risks of bad outcomes. What you can do Reducing your stress levels can not only make you feel better right now but may also protect your health long-term. In one study, researchers examined the association between â€Å"positive affect†feelings like happiness, joy, contentment and enthusiasm and the development of coronary heart disease over a decade. They found that for every one-point increase in positive effect on a five-point scale, the rate of heart disease dropped by 22 percent. While the study doesnt prove that increasing positive affect decreases cardiovascular risks, the researchers recommend boosting your positive effect by making a little time for enjoyable activities every day. Conclusion Altogether, stress may induce both beneficial and harmful effects. The beneficial effects of stress involve preserving homeostasis of cells/species, which leads to continued survival. However, in many cases, the harmful effects of stress may receive more attention or recognition by an individual due to their role in various pathological conditions and diseases. As has been discussed in this review, various factors, for example, hormones, neuroendocrine mediators, peptides, and neurotransmitters are involved in the bodys response to stress. Many disorders originate from stress, especially if the stress is severe and prolonged. The medical community needs to have a greater appreciation for the significant role that stress may play in various diseases and then treat the patient accordingly using both pharmacological, medications and/or nutraceuticals, and non-pharmacological, change in lifestyle, daily exercise, healthy nutrition, and stress reduction programs, therapeutic interventions . Important for the physician providing treatment for stress is the fact that all individuals vary in their response to stress, so a particular treatment strategy or intervention appropriate for one patient may not be suitable or optimal for a different patient. work cited American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, Goldstein, Elisha. The Now Effect: How a Mindful Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life. Simon amp; Schuster, 2013. â€Å"Lower Stress: How Does Stress Affect the Body?†About Heart Attacks, â€Å"Stress Symptoms: Physical Effects of Stress on the Body.†WebMD, WebMD, Wilson, Donielle. Stress Remedy: Master Your Bodys Synergy and Optimize Your Health. Empowering Wellness Press, 2013.Â
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Meanings, Examples and Observations of the Word Lexicon
Meanings, Examples and Observations of the Word Lexicon A lexicon is the collection of words- or the internalized dictionary- that every speaker of a language has. It is also called lexis. Lexicon may also refer to a stock of terms used in a particular profession, subject or style. The word itself is the Anglicized version of the Greek word lexis (which means word in Greek). It basically means dictionary. Lexicology describes the study of lexis and lexicon. See Examples and Observations below. Also see: JargonLanguage AcquisitionLexemeLexical CompetenceLexical DiffusionLexical-Functional Grammar (LFG)Lexical IntegrityLexicalizationLexical SetLexicogrammarLexicographerLexicographicolatryLexicograpyLexicologyLexisListemeMental LexiconMorphologyVocabularyVocabulary Acquisition Examples and Observations The lexicon of soccer (called football outside of the United States) includes terms such as linesman, friendly match, yellow card, penalty shootout, pitch, result, and draw.The lexicon of a stock trader includes terms such as delayed quotes, futures contract, limit order, margin account, short selling, stop order, trend line and watch list. Words by the Numbers [T]here are currently about 600,000 words in the English language, with educated adults using about 2,000 words in daily conversation. For the 500 most-frequently used words, there are some 14,000 dictionary meanings. (Wallace V. Schmidt, et al., Communicating Globally. Sage, 2007) The English lexicon grew by 70 percent from 1950 to 2000, with roughly 8,500 new words entering the language each year. Dictionaries dont reflect a lot of those words. (Marc Parry, Scholars Elicit a Cultural Genome From 5.2 Million Google-Digitized Books. The Chronicle of Higher Education. December 16, 2010) Myths of Word Learning If you attend a class on language acquisition, or read any good introductory chapter on the subject, you are likely to learn the following facts about word learning. Childrens first words are odd; they have funny meanings that violate certain semantic principles that hold for adult language and are learned in a slow and haphazard way. Then, at about 16 months, or after learning about fifty words, there is a sudden acceleration in the rate of word learning- a word spurt or vocabulary explosion. From this point on, children learn words at the rate of five, ten, or even fifteen new words a day. I will suggest here that none of these claims are true. They are myths of word learning. There is no reason to believe that childrens first words are learned and understood in an immature fashion- and there is considerable evidence to the contrary. There is no such thing as word spurt, and two-year-olds are not learning anywhere near five words per day. (Paul Bloom, Myths of Word Learning. Weavin g a Lexicon, ed. by D. Geoffrey Hall and Sandra R. Waxman. MIT Press, 2004) Language Acquisition: Grammar and Lexicon In a review of findings from language development, language breakdown and real-time processing, we conclude that the case for a modular distinction between grammar and the lexicon has been overstated, and that the evidence to date is compatible with a unified lexicalist account. Studies of normal children show that the emergence of grammar is highly dependent upon vocabulary size, a finding confirmed and extended in atypical populations. Studies of language breakdown in older children and adults provide no evidence for a modular dissociation between grammar and the lexicon; some structures are especially vulnerable to brain damage (e.g., function words, non-canonical word orders), but this vulnerability is also observed in neurologically intact individuals under perceptual degradation or cognitive overload. Finally, online studies provide evidence for early and intricate interactions between lexical and grammatical information in normal adults. (Elizabeth Bates and Judith C. Goodman, On the Inseparability of Grammar and the Lexicon: Evidence from Acquisition, Aphasia and Real-time Processing. Language and Cognitive Processes. The Chronicles of Higher Education. December 1997) Acquisition of the lexicon and acquisition of the grammar are ... parts of a single underlying process. (Jesse Snedeker and Lila R. Gleitman, Why It Is Hard to Label Our Concepts. Weaving a Lexicon, ed. by D. Geoffrey Hall and Sandra R. Waxman. MIT Press, 2004)
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Sontag, In Platos Cave from On Photography Essay
Sontag, In Platos Cave from On Photography - Essay Example n individual may perceive a story that consists of different objects and or people, the story will remain in a particular form in the mind of absence of a photograph. When the individual observes a photograph on the scenario later, then the notion that was formed in the mind originally changes automatically. The impact of the photo would depict a sense of superiority of the event or an individual. Again, the photograph have targeted objects during their time of creation or presentation. A photograph may consist of several objects but only the focal point matters amongst the observers. In most scenarios, the observers prioritize the central objects on which the photographs emphasize. As per the descriptions provided in the previous paragraphs, a rational evaluation of a photograph demands transparency. In a practical scenario, consider the photograph of a presidential candidate and analyze the main attributes. In 2008vpresidential elections in the United States, the contents of Obama’s photographs and especially the posters were stunning. Moreover, Obama’s polished picture with his name at the top and the slogan, â€Å"Yes We Can†at the bottom had the main impact on the voters. Indeed, photographs have a broad command in influencing notions, imaginations, and the viewing right. Impression is the most important aspect in the sense of sight (Sontag,
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Application of Cognitive Learning Theory in Learning How to Read Essay
The Application of Cognitive Learning Theory in Learning How to Read and Use Maps - Essay Example The objective of the essay is to examine the potentials of one of the learning theories aforementioned, the cognitive learning theory, in identifying and explaining the components and mechanisms of learning a particular task. For this essay, learning how to read and use a map will be explored by applying the cognitivist approach. Primarily, the essay will provide a brief overview of the task of learning how to read and use a map and its importance in the discipline of geography. Afterward, the types of knowledge required to acquire or learn the particular skill will be discussed, and then the cognitive learning theory, as it applies to the learning task of reading and using a map, will be examined. Specifically, Piaget’s and the neo-Vygotskian’s theories will be employed in explaining the chosen learning task. And lastly, the essay will conclude the discussion by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the cognitive learning theory, relative to other learning theori es, in explaining the task of learning how to read and use a map. The discipline of geography explores the relationship between human beings and the earth and particularly takes into account the environment, location, and space. In studying locations and geographical subjects, geographers illustrate and identify the mechanisms and structures they observe in their physical environment. Hence study of spatial structures and the acquisition of locational knowledge shape distinguishing and core components of the field, with various kinds of maps being an essential tool in this practice (Palmer & Birch, 2004).
Friday, January 24, 2020
Romeo and Juliet: The Play :: essays research papers
Romeo and Juliet: The Play" Accidentally, incidentally, unintentionally, intentionally; no one ever really knows, but we are for certain one thing: â€Å"the heart isits own fate.†For Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, two star-crossed lovers in Shakespeare’s masterpiece play ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ this holds especially true. Romeo and Juliet’s â€Å"misadventure piteous overthrow†is fueled by their love for each other and their determination to be together, no matter what. Romeo and Juliet’s love with stands the hate surrounding them. Thus, fate is undoubtedly the most responsible influence for the two young lovers’ heartbreaking tragedy. A letter, never meant to even graze the hand of a Montague, was indeed read by a Montague. As fate would have it, a servant gets tangled up on the addresses of the letters to be delivered, notifying recipients of Capulets’ masquerade party, and stops the first pedestrian that walks by, hoping that he would direct them to the correct address. Undoubtedly, the first pedestrian he ran across was Romeo, his kinsman Benvolio in tow. When Benvolio learns word of the party, he is eager to go, while Romeo is reluctant. With a little nagging, Benvolio and Mercutio convince Romeo to go. It takes one glance, one intense, meaningful glance, and Romeo is in like with Juliet Capulet, his loathed enemy. With one kiss, they are both in love with each other, without knowing, tragically seal both of their lives into a tomb of confinement, filled only with their love for each other. Another episode of fate, or rather dramatic irony, happens when Romeo somehow misses getting a letter from Tybalt Capulet, his enemy, challenging him to a duel. Romeo, unknowing of the tragic letter sent to him, but not gotten, goes to tell his friends of his beautiful bride, but, in return, comes face-to-face with none other than Tybalt, his loathed enemy, the kin to his new bride, Juliet. As soon as Romeo shows up, though, he is greeted by Tybalt’s insults, calling him a villain, but instead of stepping up to Tybalt’s challenge, though, Romeo backs down, saying, â€Å"Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting. Villain I am none. Therefore farewell. I see thou knowest not me.†After harsh words are spoken, families are disgraced, and names are scorned, Romeo finally just backs away. Mercutio, though, cannot let his man be put to disgrace, so he decides to defend Romeo’s name.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
HR management Essay
1. Abstract Using a balance scorecard to measure and manage an HR management. 2. Literature Review The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. 3. Research Aims and Objective The aim of this research using balance scorecard is to prepare a US manager to work in the UAE; For us to fully understand cultural and personal behaviors of UAE people. 4. Research methodology The use of balance scorecard to develop and implement performance is based on research online and readings about economy and understanding human behavior. 5. Discussion a. Origin Balance scorecard was coined in the early 1990s but the roots of this type of approach include the work of French process engineers who created the â€Å"Tableau de bord†literally, a dashboard of performance measures. b. Definition Balance scorecard is simply defined as performance management tool 6. Conclusion With its proven performance internationally it is best to used in HR Management.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Dreaming in Cuban - 1701 Words
Throughout the years, Cuba is known to be a Communist country struggling to determine its own identity. Some Cubans have fought with the decision to stay in their native country or migrate to the United States. Others have decided to settle in Cuba and let their fate be determined by the gods. Santerà a, an African religion mixed with Catholic traditions, is practiced by many Cubans and allows followers to establish their destiny by the orishas, or African spirits. It also gives a sense of individuality to the characters in the novel, Dreaming in Cuban which incorporates several elements of the faith into the story. Overall, the Santerà a religion affects the Cuban people in many parts of their lives politically, artistically, musically, and†¦show more content†¦The African society in Cuba has been looking for solace in their history of torture and discriminating experience: â€Å"The slave seeks a bit of peace and hope after much suffering and harassment. With rites, o fferings and the sacrifice of blood, he invokes the gods of redemption, from whom he has been brutally separated by inhuman slavery†(Marshall 235). The religion makes them feel more human and therefore helping them live their lives the way the â€Å"gods†what them to live. Felicia wishes to settle peace with her father. Her best friend Hermania told her â€Å"He [the orisha] will bring you and your father peace, a peace you never knew while he lived on this earth†(Garcà a 14). Eventually, she decided to give into her friend’s request and sacrificed a goat on the altar. Felicia also went to Santerà a for another husband, believing that she can attain her blessings through orishas: â€Å"believers can accomplish many things because the dead are benevolently inclined toward the living†¦Felicia del Pino is fortunate in that she knows unequivocally what she wants: another husband. In this respect, at least, she will be twice more blessed†(G arcà a 147). However, they told her she cannot keep her husband: â€Å"What you wish for, daughter, you cannot keep. It is the will of the gods†(Garcà a 148). This became true later on when theShow MoreRelated Cristina Garcias Dreaming in Cuban Essay1068 Words  | 5 PagesCristina Garcias Dreaming in Cuban The cyclical nature of time and the supernatural are recurring themes in Cristina Garcà as Dreaming in Cuban. Throughout the book, the members of the del Pino family find themselves reliving the same events and situations. This is characterized by the repetition of mental illness, attempted suicide, personal exile, and lovesickness that occurs over three generations. Celia, realizes that time will continue to repeat itself unless the family history isRead MoreCristina Garcias Dreaming in Cuban Essay3280 Words  | 14 PagesCristina Garcia’s Dreaming in Cuban tells the story about three generations of a Cuban family and their different views provoked by the Cuban revolution. 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