Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Roundup Ready Solution Is An Important Legume Crop
Introduction The Glycine max (L.) Merr soybean is an important legume crop (Zhang et. al. 2013). Soybeans are used to produce oils, proteins (Zhang et. al., 2013), and soymeal (Cherubin, 2008). Soybean oil is largely produced and consumed globally (Cherubin, 2008). Soymeal provides 70% of an animal’s protein (Cherubin, 2008). Canada is a top producer of soybeans worldwide (Cherubin, 2008). The Roundup Ready (R.R.) gene is often incorporated into the soybean seeds (Villela et. al., 2014) and is sold by licensed seed companies such as Monsanto, Pioneer, and Novartis (Bullock et. al., 2004). The Roundup Ready solution is a glyphosate compound, which is a low cost yet effective herbicide (Bullock et. al., 2004). The R.R. gene is incorporated†¦show more content†¦The objective of this study was to determine the level of the Roundup Ready gene in a sample of soybean plants and determine the efficacy of an Agdia strip test as measured by the frequency of false positives and false negatives of the test in comparison to the reaction of plants to the herbicide glyphosate. Methods and Materials In this experiment, Glycine max (L.) Merr soybeans were used. 40 of these soybeans were provided for the experiment. Each student was assigned a specific soybean plant to use. A small leaf would be torn from the stem of the soybean. This leaf was then weighed using a top loading balance. The leaf was to weigh approximately 0.12 to 0.16 grams. Gloves were worn when handling the extraction bag. The top of the bag was cut using scissors, and the leaf was then placed between two layers of mesh in the bag. The bag was then temporarily sealed to do the extraction. Students used the blunt end of a pen to rub the leaf in order to mix the contents. The extraction then sat for 30 seconds minimum, then an Agdia ImmunoStrip was provided to test the solution. The ImmunoStrip was inserted into the contents by no more than 0.5 centimeters. The ImmunoStrip was held still in the bag for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the ImmunoStrip appeared complete. A single test stripe will appear first to indicate that the ImmunoStrip is working. A second control stripe
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Essay
The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Abstract: For a while, dress codes have been implemented in private and parochial schools across the county. It wasnt until more recent that the issue was brought to discussion about a dress code in public schools. Uniforms serve a purpose to the schools that are adapting the change in attire. The uniform dress code has helped make private and parochial schools more prestigious for their organization and the results of it. Uniforms would be beneficial to the public school system because a lot of what the public school system is known for would be stopped because of the newly executed dress code. The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Imagine a world where there was no†¦show more content†¦Taking on the role of school uniforms brings about a new respect for the student and the school in which he or she is attending. The student looks more professional while the school statistics show to improve. Uniforms in public schools are beneficial to the students and staff and faculty. The students show an increase in their grades, attendance, and behavior while learning other ways to be an individual or to stand out. For the faculty, it is easier to pick out an intruder, someone who does not belong in the school. When looking at the social aspect for all students, it slightly eliminates the separation of class, making school more enjoyable for the outcaste students. Many studies have taken place in regards to the implementation of uniforms in public school. One in particular written in the Journal of Educational Research by, David L. Brunsma and Kerry A. Rockquemore emphasizes the ?effects of student uniforms on attendance, behavior problems, substance use and academic achievement.? This study was done in all schools and in all grades. ?Uniforms are simple in style and color and are intended to convey the institutional values of the school? (EOSUO). Some of the topics that were chosen for this study included, the number of absences, the scores on standardize testes, the students behavior overall and the use of drugs. This study took place in LongShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniforms : Educating Students Dress Safely Essay1511 Words  | 7 PagesSchool Uniforms: Educating students dress safely In today’s era society is forgetting the importance of dressing with ethics when it comes to education. Back in the days it was imperative to wear properly clothing to go to school, the elderly just to say that it was a representation of oneself and it showed how important the studies were for the individual. Therefore, school uniforms, must increase academics, improve behavior, safety and prevent thefts. To begin with, a diminutive history about thisRead MoreWhy Students Wearing School Uniforms1116 Words  | 5 Pageswearing uniforms in schools. Below are the discussed reasons that tend to explain the importance of students wearing uniforms in school. â€Å"The prevalence of uniforms in public schools continues to rise in the United States, as parents and school administrators exert efforts to keep our school’s safe environments. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 20% of all public schools have adopted uniform mandates.†(Public School Review). To begin with, wearing of uniforms by theRead More Education and Teaching - Its Time for Uniforms in Public Schools944 Words  | 4 Pagesfor Uniforms in Public Schools My niece will be attending kindergarten in the fall. She is so excited to be taking the big yellow school bus to school. While she is excited to attend school, I just hope she be in a safe environment at school. I remember my school days when a boy was pulling a girls ponytail or kids were pushing one another in line, this type of behavior was considered disruptive or violent. Today it is a different story. I read the paper and listen to the news of school violenceRead MoreHow Clothing Has A Impact On People And Their Behavior1718 Words  | 7 Pagesmajority people would like to consider. For example, school. School, in which students are surrounded by teachers and peers. Peers who will make fun of others if the clothing is not from a specific store or if it does not parallel the â€Å"in†style. These hurtful comments can drag down self-esteem and confidence and affect how well they are able to participate and focus on their studies. Implementing a school uniforms in publi c school can benefit the school and the students academically in their grades, behaviorRead More The School Uniform Debate Essay903 Words  | 4 PagesThe requirement of school uniforms in our public schools is a big issue in our community. Among our teachers, parents, and students, everyone has a different opinion. School uniforms will help solve many issues inside and outside our school walls. 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Many schools agreed with the idea and have already required school uniforms, while others are still considering it. Some say that school uniforms represent discipline and instill school pride, but others think that it is not creativity and comfortable. Despite that there are still arguments about it; school uniforms have increasingly demonstrated their importance and influence in many ways. Studen ts should have to wear uniforms because it will help studentsRead MorePerceptions Of Dress Codes On Academic Performance And Student Behavior Essay1387 Words  | 6 Pagesachievement and behavior and school dress codes. This study is being undertaken because the implementation of dress codes and school uniforms has never been more contentious in America today. Some schools see inconsistent results in terms of academic achievement and overall student behavior upon instituting dress codes or school uniforms (Graham, Kahan, 2013; Draa, 2005), while other districts see declines in student success by similar measures (Brunsma, Rockquemore, 1998). School administrators, studentsRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Its Placebo Effect Essay1458 Words  | 6 PagesDuran Professor Alan Douglas English 102 4 December 2016 School Uniforms and its Placebo Effect School uniforms predominately used in private schools are now becoming increasingly common in public schools throughout the United States. During the 2013- 2014 schoolyear, one in five public schools required students to wear uniforms, which is an increase from the 2003-2004 school year in which one in eight schools required the use of uniforms (US Department of Education and US Department of Justice)Read MoreA school uniform is an identifying, standardized outfit or style of dress worn specifically for an1100 Words  | 5 Pages A school uniform is an identifying, standardized outfit or style of dress worn specifically for an educational institution, they dictate the schools â€Å"dress code†. Generally, uniforms when used enhances uniformity among the students, irrespective of their financial status, race, and color or fashion preference; it improves the learning environment, and instils discipline; reduces security threats and thus enhances safety. Over the years, the educational system has been marred with gang
Advice To The President Essay Example For Students
Advice To The President Essay Advice to the PresidentMr. President, the moral decline in our country has plummeted since you have been in office. I would like to think that you had no part in this, but I believe that you play a very large role in this issue. First of all, you legalized third-term abortions. You tell us not to kill in the streets, but yet you will stab an infant in the neck without him being able to defend for himself. Secondly, you took the Bible out of schools. In the United States, there is to be no religious persecution. So you just abandon religion? I do not think that solves any problems, in fact, I think it causes more. Since you have taken the Bible out of schools, look at all of the drugs, sex, and shooting rampages that have taken place. For some reason, I am lead to believe that taking the Bible out of our schools has played some part in this. I would also like to question your leadership abilities. The youth in our country are constantly looking for a role model. I should think that th e president of this country would be a perfect one. For some odd reason, however, if I thought that I was anything like you, I would go ahead and ask the Lord to take me home! Im sure the various affairs you have had have been of no influence to us. Thats why teen pregnancy has gone up forty percent since you have come into office. The youth of today are seeing what you are doing and thinking that it is okay to do that too. A boy in Ridgeville, South Carolina shot his girlfriend as well as himself because she was riding in a car with another guy. Does this sound at all familiar; perhaps the alleged suicide of Vince Foster would refresh your memory a bit. Lastly, I would like to discuss integrity. Something that I do not think you have much of. When President Nixon was in office, and involved with the Watergate Scandal, I seem to recall you saying that any president who does wrong, should resign. Is there some special standard for you that none of us know about? We have people living in the streets, many right outside of your house, but yet you rent bedrooms of the White House to raise money for a campaign. I see no sign of greed there! Once again, look at the youth in this country. They are greedy. I guess you have no part in that as well. Could you please start looking at the people in the country that you are supposed to be running? Look past how much money YOU can get from China, or wherever. Look at what is best for the people in the United States. I wish that you could see how much influence you have put on the youth of today. Furthermore, I wish that it were a positive influence. My best advice to you would be to get your life straight and set standards for yourself, before you try to run a country. Government Essays
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